Scorch Marker Crafter Of The Week: Brittany Ingraham

  • 3 min read

At Scorch Marker, we love our customers! And, we really enjoy seeing and sharing all the wonderful things they create. This week, we talked with crafter Brittany Ingraham to learn more about her experience with the Scorch Marker. Here's what she had to say. 

What inspired you to start crafting/wood burning?
Tell us about who or what influenced you, how you got started, and what inspired you to craft.

My passion for creating started at an early age and has only grown with time.

I’ve never been one to just go out and buy a decorative piece for my home or a present for a birthday.

Instead, I dreamt of ways I could create beautiful, handmade items for myself and those around me.

As a child, and now into my adult years, I would much rather make my gifts over buying them.

Although I would’ve loved to make a living from crafting, I never envisioned that it would be a possibility. 

From the moment my husband and I got married, we couldn’t wait to start a family.

Several years later, we had a beautiful 3 year old little girl and a baby boy on the way.

It was at this time that we had a major health scare and some real eye opening moments.

A few months after having our son, I found myself in the ER with multiple Pulmonary Embolisms (PE’s) in both of my lungs.

I struggled to get even one full breath.

At that very moment, without much knowledge surrounding blood clots, I was terrified that my husband and kids would be left without a wife and mom.

I’ve never been so scared in all my life.

I’m thrilled to say that the Lord had different plans for me. It was later determined that these “PE’s” were provoked by my pregnancy.

After this happened, I was filled with anxiety and depression and often asked myself why I had to go through this.

I also wondered why my life was spared when so many others aren’t.

I’ve since read about other women losing their lives during delivery or shortly after due to “PE’s” leaving this earth entirely too soon.

To say that I’m thankful to have walked away from that experience is a massive understatement.

I truly believe the Lord puts us through these difficult times to teach us, grow us, and use our situations for the glory of His Kingdom.

For me, I found a deeper appreciation for everything around me.

From the very breath in my lungs to the moments I share with my husband and kids.

Though still anxious at times, I’m so incredibly grateful for this chapter in my story.

But this isn’t where my story stops.

What better time than now to chase after the dreams I hold closest to my heart?

What is your craft setup like? Tell us about the tools you use to create projects. Do you have any favorites?

I currently work out of our spare bedroom and the garage.

I use whatever space I can to create!

I love using the table and miter saw for my wood projects.

I did, however, just purchase a laser engraver/cutter so I have a feeling that tool will quickly become a favorite.

I can’t forget my Scorch Marker which makes wood burning an absolute dream!

What types of projects do you love to create & what type of projects are you currently working on?

Honestly, I just love to create any type of beautiful art.

I particularly love working with wood and acrylic/plexiglass.

The possibilities are endless!

I’m currently working on a wedding sign that will double as a guest book.

I’m very excited to present the finished product to the bride and groom!

What is your creation process? Is there a process?

My creation process varies depending on what type of project I’m working on.

But my process most always starts with dreaming of what I want the finished piece to look like.

Then I plan out the materials that I’ll need and the steps it’ll take to get it completed.

And during every process, I’m in a constant state of thankfulness for the ability to create in the first place.

What project are you the most proud of?

What did you find challenging or unique about it?

It is incredibly difficult to pick just one piece I’m most proud of.

With each project, I’ve learned different skills and discovered new techniques. I’m grateful for each piece I’ve created and the challenges they’ve all brought along the way.

It’s out of those challenges that I become a better creator.

Where can people check out more of your projects? Website URL, social profiles, etc

I am currently on Instagram (@brightidesignllc) and Facebook (@brightidesignllc)

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